Smarter employee benefits, integrated online platforms and advice for you and your employees.
Delivering exceptional support – whether you would like to review your current benefits programme, implement a new scheme or just like to talk to us about individual services, we’re here to help.
You compete with your industry to attract and retain the best people. Keep your employees happy and stand out from the crowd.
Rebroking, salary sacrifice and your time all add to cost savings, plus your scheme selection can increase your employees productivity – win-win.
You’re great at your job and that’s what your focus should be, let us take care of the administration so you can get on with what you are good at.
From Group Risk Protection and Pension Due Diligence reporting, to adhering to your duty of care. We will always have your back.
Working with us
Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:
We are a small NYSE listed company starting our operations in UK/Europe, and were introduced to Cobens to help us get our operations framework setup. From the minute I had my first call, I instantly knew that this was a high calibre firm focused on customer success. Even with the on-going lockdown and COVID challenges Tim our IFA was simply unbelievable in getting things done. Very structured, knowledgeable and experienced and most of all always willing to go the extra mile for us. COBENS had us up and running in no time at all. Professionals to the core ! Thank you ! Highly recommended.

Sunil Mahajan
Mastech Infotrellis
Our range of services
We provide expert advice on all aspects of corporate benefits. We specialise in harmonising employee benefits and their communication, along with Group Risk implementation and rebroking.
View our Employee Benefit schemes
Flexible Benefits
Tailored benefits for individual life styles. Select from a range of benefits, choose the frequency of your flex windows and set your employees a spending limit.

Support & Communication
We are an extension to your team, from dealing with administration queries to providing workshops and information sessions.

Holiday Management
Flexible working can boost employees wellbeing. Whether you have a UK workforce, or employees that work abroad. You can manage their holiday all from one place.

Total Reward Statements
Show your employees their wider value and the whole worth or their employee benefits package.

Salary Sacrifice
Employers and employees can both benefit from savings in National Insurance, with employees attracting Tax savings too.

Governance & Engagement
Covering your duty of care with legislative compliance and delivering the right messages, to the right members, at the right time.
Working with us
Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:
The team at Cobens have always proved approachable, helpful and knowledgeable. Having a dedicated contact means they are always familiar with the account and on top of any issues we have previously asked for help on.
John Saunders
Wonderfully personalised
Customisable configuration, incorporated branding, API integration and targeted benefit communication, are all inclusive with our platform.
Include your logo, colour theme and local benefits for your company. Focused benefit eligibility ensures information is provided to the right employees at the right time, encouraging increased take-up.
On demand benefits
Having an expansive and comprehensive benefits selection needs an effective communication platform to spread the word.
Employees can engage with their benefits through their online portal or through our app, with employers having an overview of their workforce and scheme membership.
To find out more 0207 11 88 777
Cobens registered in the UK No. 05850981.
Registered address: 4th Floor Peek House, 20 Eastcheap, London, EC3M 1EB
Cobens is a trading style of Astute Financial Management (UK) Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. We are entered on the Financial Services Register No. 484450 at . The information contained within this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore primarily targeted at customers in the UK.
Should you have cause to complain, and you are not satisfied with our response, you may be able to refer it to the Finacial Ombudsman Service, which can be contacted as follows: The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR. Tel: 0800 023 4567 www.